Welcome To Our
Ob/Gyn Practice
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Pregnancy is a breathtaking, exhilarating, maddening, frustrating and blessed event. Dr. Jezari and Dr. Padilla and their highly trained staff are dedicated to make that experience as comfortable as possible and fully prepare you for what to expect during the nine months you’re expecting.
As OBGYNs in El Paso, TX, we strive to offer patients comprehensive gynecologic care throughout all stages of life. Gynecologic services rendered range from Tubal sterilization and Colposcopy to Robotic Surgey.
3D Ultrasound
You will obtain a few ultrasounds throughout the pregnancy: First trimester to establish or confirm the dating; an anatomy ultrasound at 18 – 20 weeks. You may also receive additional ultrasounds if medically necessary.
When you are considering your options and would like to consult with a doctor, we will assist you in making the decision that is right for you. You have many choices that may be confusing at times. Let us provide you with the information which will enable you to make an informed decision.
Osteoporosis and heart disease, the most common two culprits following post-menopausal women, can be easily watched for and tracked by your doctor. It’s important to meet regularly and get acquainted with the information you need.